NELA Submission on the Nature Repair Market Bill
On 3 March 2023, NELA was pleased to provide the following submission on the Draft Nature Repair Market Bill (Biodiversity Certificates Scheme).
In summary, NELA submitted:
- That the objects of the Bill should expressly, and in more detail, enshrine the protection, conservation and restoration targets of the Global Biodiversity Framework;
- The Clean Energy Regulator is not currently an appropriate regulator for the new Market;
- The Nature Repair Committee must include mandatory biological and/or ecological science expertise in its membership;
- If the Bill is to ensure that the Market achieves nature-positive outcomes, biodiversity certificates should not be used to achieve a compliance offset; and
- Determinations about making or varying methodologies must be required to comply with biodiversity integrity standards and advice from the Nature Repair Committee.
Read the full submission here.
Posted in Law Reform Submissions