
NELA Submission on the Nature Repair Market Bill

On 3 March 2023, NELA was pleased to provide the following submission on the Draft Nature Repair Market Bill (Biodiversity Certificates Scheme).

In summary, NELA submitted:

  • That the objects of the Bill should expressly, and in more detail, enshrine the protection, conservation and restoration targets of the Global Biodiversity Framework;
  • The Clean Energy Regulator is not currently an appropriate regulator for the new Market;
  • The Nature Repair Committee must include mandatory biological and/or ecological science expertise in its membership;
  • If the Bill is to ensure that the Market achieves nature-positive outcomes, biodiversity certificates should not be used to achieve a compliance offset; and
  • Determinations about making or varying methodologies must be required to comply with biodiversity integrity standards and advice from the Nature Repair Committee.

Read the full submission here.