NELA - Leaf

Submission on the draft ‘Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) Framework

NELA welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission highlighting three considerations for the Australian Government as it develops reforms to implement the Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) mechanism.

They are:

  1. OECM should be finalised unless public consultation on the National Road map for 30×30 is undertaken.
  2. Australian Government’s proposed interpretation of OECMs which accepts a non-binding intention of a landowner potentially inconsistent with CBD’s definition of an OECM is at odds with robust secure practice for protected areas in Australia.
  3. Robust assurance should be a key principle of the Framework as responsibilities, critical to build trust and confidence, are unclear within the Framework.


Upon its recommendations, NELA submits further targeted consultation is necessary before finalising the OECM Framework as to implement a strong assurance and governance Framework for OECMs. As such, NELA would be please to participate in ongoing consultation on these important matters.


For full information, full submission found here.