Submission on the Proposed Offshore Wind Area: Indian Ocean off Bunbury, Western Australia
NELA welcomes the opportunity to make a submission regarding the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water’s (DCCEEW) request for public feedback on the Proposed Offshore Wind Area: Indian Ocean off Bunbury, Western Australia (Proposed Area). This submission has been prepared by the WA division of NELA and endorsed by the NELA National Board.
In summary:
A. the development of offshore wind farms will assist Australia to reach its domestic net-zero targets;
B: acoustic impacts of wind farms may threaten biological communties residing in and around the proposed area, and so monioring options bve employed to eliminate or reduce these impacts to an ecologically acceptable level; and
C: NELA generally supportive of the declaration of the Proposed Area if these ecologial impacts are adequately addressed.
Full submission found here.