Access to Justice in a COVID-19 World

The University Club of Western Australia

NELA(WA) is pleased to be supporting The Law Society of Western Australia's CPD fundraiser event on 25 February 2021. At the seminar, we will hear from an eminent panel of speakers on 'Access to Justice in a COVID-19 World'. Registrations are open now and attendees will be entitled to one CPD point in category 3 -…

Climate Policy in Western Australia

Murdoch x Spacecubed Level 9, 32 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Government responses to climate change and the drive to net zero carbon emissions continue to dominate political and social discourse globally. NELA has assembled a highly experienced panel of speakers to discuss the implications of the recently released WA Climate Policy.

$25.00 – $50.00

2021 Mahla Pearlman Oration

Law Society of WA Level 5, 160 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

The annual event is a tribute to Chief Judge Pearlman’s achievements and an inspiration to younger generations of environmental lawyers.


NELA & KWM Networking Event

King & Wood Mallesons, Melbourne Level 27, Collins Arch, 447 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia